The answer is to keep your list interested by continually supplying them with special offers. You should be emailing your prospects at least once per week, and your customers at least once every two weeks. When you email your prospects, give them something of value for free, and then give them a special offer only available to list members, making your offer exclusive to them this will definitely win them over.
I also like to write a short report and give them to my list as a gift. These reports contain lots of useful information from how to start an empire online to useful websites where they can benefit from in many ways. The best thing about this is that I create a trust between my list and myself so over time, readers of these reports will purchase products and courses that I have recommend. On a side note, make sure you do not HARD sell where this will only make people in your list unsubscribe.
I have noticed that a lot of people wait until they have a specific number of people on their list before they start marketing their list and make money from them. Why on Earth would you want to wait to make money, all you need to do is become a good marketer, treat your subscribers how you would want to be treated, and you will profit from the very start of your relationship.
The number one reason for many people unsubscribing from mailing lists is because they are not actively participating and receiving value for being a member. Due to this they will unsubscribe from your list as soon as they have had enough of you without purchasing anything.
Before I finish there is one more list building tip for you and that is to offer your customers good information that is valuable to them every time you send them an email, you have to give them what they want and not what you think they want. Then at the end of your email, you can offer them an exclusive buy it now price on a product that will further help them solve the problem you addressed in your informative email. Even if the list member doesn't buy, they are more likely to stay on your list because of the information they receive, the exclusive discount prices and the relationship you have maintained with them.
This article taken from here
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