method of revenue generation of websites. For newbies, the common terms are,
Impressions - The number of impressions is the number of times an ad is displayed.
CTR - Clickthrough rate (CTR) is the number of clicks your ad receives divided by the number of times your ad is shown (impressions).
PPC - The pay-per-click is the amount you pay each time a user clicks on your ad
PPA - Pay per Acquisition or Cost per sales
PPM - Pay per thousand impression
PPV - Pay per Visitor
Yahoo Publisher Network (YPN)
PPC. Saying is that YPN earning per click is up to 4x times that of Google Adsense but YPN click-through rate is much lower. It is still its better stage and is only available in US. But will certainly be my on A * list soon. (For US residents only now.)
PPA. Since 2000, online marketers have depended on the AzoogleAds? Network to deliver targeted and un-targeted customers from a variety of websites, search portals and newsletters. Ranked #1 by 30,000 media experts for 2004 and 2005 and looks promising. Percentage rate varies. Recommended.
Amazon Omakase
PPA. As an Amazon associate, you can now serve ads to your site based on the content on your pages. What's more, this service is totally compatible with AdSense. Unlike other ad program, amazon only pays you when some one buys usually at a percent between 4 to 8.5 which means rather huge if the user buys a thousand dollar plasma TV screen.
PPC or Flat-Rate. 2 type of ads available. Text Ads and Interstitial ads and is based on bidders getting your website. Free form text ads that give you more control over their appearance than AdSense. Also displayed with no "Ads by xxxxx" text. Excellent service. No exlusivity required.
Affiliate Sensor
PPA. This service automatically allows you to display ads from Clickbank's large member network. ClickBank is the Internet's largest digital marketplace, where thousands of the web's most popular products are sold every day. Some formatting issues when selecting certain ad sizes but overall cool. Recommended. Usually one sales is a minimum of $20.
PPC - Definitely one of the major players which will allows you to set your own price and advertisers or have everything automated, just like AdSense. $10 minimum payouts through PayPal. Recommended.
PPC, PPM, PPV. - Fixed rate for Advertisers. 70% profit share from displaying our contextual ads and able to earn up to 85% ad revenues for displaying your own ads under the affiliate programs. Additional 10% from the daily earning of Publishers referred. Check (min. payout: $50), or Paypal (min. payout: $20).Only seems to accept sites with a large amount of traffic, at least 50% of which must come from Canada, USA and UK. However, a search in google (ironic, isn’t it) shows Clicksor being called as fraud, much like Google itself.
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